My Mandela Washington Fellowship Experience at the University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame Certificate awarded to Brian Dzansi

I was out for my morning walk in Ho when my phone pinged with the MWF email. I was over the moon! After a year full of fellowship and grant rejections, I finally got a YES. I couldn’t wait to share the news with Yaa. I quickly sent a WhatsApp to my mentor, Serge, to thank him for nudging me to apply and for his invaluable review of my fellowship essay.

But my excitement hit a speed bump when I saw my placement: the University of Notre Dame in South Bend. Wait, where? I had been dreaming of an institute in New York or Delaware. A quick Google search later, I was blown away. This was precisely the kind of campus I’d been dreaming of, and I couldn’t wait to jump right in.

Chale, I wasn’t disappointed. The six weeks at Notre Dame turned out to be some of the most impactful of my life. It wasn’t just an in-depth exploration of entrepreneurship and leadership; it was also a profound journey of personal growth. The knowledge, connections, and experiences I gained are truly impactful, and I’m deeply grateful to everyone who supported me throughout the journey.

Here’s my attempt to capture all my standout moments in 1,000 words.

Father Hesburg’s Haven.

Our first task after settling in was a campus scavenger hunt—a brilliant strategy to encourage the fellows to explore and appreciate the beauty and diversity of the University of Notre Dame. The campus truly is a green paradise, with meticulously maintained lawns, majestic shady trees, and an atmosphere of tranquillity. The only sounds that punctuate the peacefulness are the gentle rustling of leaves, gnawing sounds of free-spirited squirrels and the melodious chimes from the Basilica. My favourite spots quickly became the serene lakeside, the picturesque running trails, and the impressive architecture of the Basilica. The people on campus were equally chill—everyone was friendly, easygoing, and always greeted you with a smile, creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere that made the campus feel like a home away from home.

Drone shot of Notre Dame university campus
University of Notre Dame Campus

Brain Gains: Sharpening My Entrepreneurial Edge.

The academic sessions were the core of our fellowship experience at Notre Dame, with each module offering fresh perspectives on entrepreneurship and leadership. Even though I was familiar with most of the content, I stayed open-minded and eager to absorb knowledge from the facilitators. Time at the Idea Center with John Henry, the design thinking workshop with Melissa, and pitch sessions with Mat and others were especially valuable for refining my project’s business model and enhancing my pitching skills.

Academic Session during the MWF
Academic session

The Capsim business simulation was the highlight of my academic experience. This hands-on exercise immersed us in the shoes of executives, requiring us to make challenging decisions in a competitive sensors market. My team, Andrews, took a conservative approach, and while we didn’t win, we achieved our goals—no regrets! The long nights spent debating strategies to enhance our products, the witty business headlines on results days, and drawing on John’s wealth of knowledge to boost our shareholder value each round are all cherished memories I’ll hold onto.

Capsim Simulation Class
Capsim Class

Making new connections

The fellowship offered numerous thoughtfully arranged opportunities to meet and learn from a diverse range of individuals. Picture this: engaging in conversation with a millionaire who flew in for a networking sessioin on his own jet or an entrepreneur who has walked the same path I’m on—truly inspiring. Although I have to admit that pitching what I do became a bit tiresome at times, the diverse perspectives and experiences shared during those interactions opened my eyes to new possibilities. I hope these connections and collaborations will continue well beyond the fellowship. John’s “big badass van” rides to outdoor meetups added a whole new level of fun.

Networking session
Networking session

Giving Back, Gaining More

The fellowship placed a strong emphasis on giving back to the local community. We had the opportunity to volunteer at the Food Bank, Unity Garden, and with South Bend’s local entrepreneurs. At the Food bank while I took on various tasks, the most rewarding part was packing food into cars of beneficiaries. It was quite a culture shock to see people arriving in SUVs for food aid—more on that in a future post! 
One of the most fulfilling moments of the fellowship was advising Diamond, an entrepreneur in the South Bend Entrepreneurship and Adversity Program. I encouraged her to confront her fears and advised her on scaling up her “Uber for Braids” model. Through conversations, I learned about Diamond’s experiences and dreams, which reinforced my belief in the power of entrepreneurship to drive positive change.

Consulting session with entrepreneurs in South Bend
Consulting Session with Entrepreneurs in the South Bend Adversity Entrepreneurship Program

Gleaning Wisdom from the Giants

The field visits to global firms like IBM and AWS, the Pulte Family Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and local South Bend businesses were highly anticipated parts of the fellowship. The lecture and conversations during these visits provided us invaluable insights into how these organizations operate, innovate, and stay relevant over the years. The AWS innovation culture, IBM’s management style, and Joe’s passion for social impact are examples of the practical knowledge I’m excited to bring back and share with my colleagues, helping us build generational businesses.

Visit to AWS Amazon Office
Visit to Amazon’s AWS office in Chicago

Baseball, BBQs, and Bonding

Of course, it wasn’t all work and no play. Cultural nights, movie nights, tour of Detroit and Chicago, and time with my fantastic host family, Tom, brought a fun dimension to the experience. I even became the Cubs’ #1 cheerleader after a crash course in baseball 101 on the 4th of July. Although we didn’t win, the spectacular fireworks made the day unforgettable. As the cohort’s unofficial DJ, I kept the bus rides and culture nights buzzing with tunes from across the continent. And let’s not forget sleeping in the basement due to the tornado scare, the endless fire alarms, and General Musa’s maxing out his D-hall card?—those bonding moments are priceless!

4th of July BaseBall Match Photo
Cheering the South Bend Cups on July 4th

As I reflect on this incredible journey, I’m filled with gratitude. Thanks to the Ghana US embassy officials for their unwavering support during the orientation and visa application process, and to the Notre Dame Pulte Institute staff—especially Ed, Sarah, and John—for their dedication to our growth. To my fellow participants, your friendship and insights enriched my experience beyond measure. 

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing more reflections notes about my ND experiences for Jiji to read when she grows up.

Go irish!

3 responses to “My Mandela Washington Fellowship Experience at the University of Notre Dame”

  1. This is an amazing opportunity for you and a beautiful article you put out there. Congratulations

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